First there's the parents, Elizabeth and Frederick. An arranged match at sixteen years old and
yet they fall in love practically at first sight. (This is after Elizabeth, chosen by the gunpowder plotters to be Queen if they had succeeded in blowing up the Houses of Parliament, survives a kidnap attempt). Then there is the year of living dangerously as King and Queen of Bohemia, the extravagance, the parties, the hordes of young men dedicated to the service of the charismatic young Queen. It all ends in disaster at the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 and Elizabeth and Frederick are forced to flee into exile with their young children. Pursued by the forces of the Holy Roman Emperor, they finally find refuge in The Hague from where they make endless, hopeless attempts to regain Frederick's patrimony. Frederick dies in exile and Elizabeth is utterly distraught.

The girls don't do too badly either. Elizabeth, the eldest, is considered the greatest beauty of the
age and is known as the Star of the North. She refuses to marry the King of Poland on religious grounds and enters a convent, becoming Mother Superior and one of the most respected scholars in Europe and a correspondent of Descartes. Her sister Louise, a talented artist, also enters a convent but this is a Catholic one. Rival mother superiors! Henrietta Maria marries a Hungarian prince but dies within six months of the wedding and is buried in her bridal gown and pearls. Her husband dies of a broken heart shortly afterwards. And Sophie, the youngest, evades her mother's plans to marry her to her cousin Charles II, runs away and accepts the marriage offer of one duke, who then asks his brother to step in and marry her instead because he's not up to the task. Eventually she is named heir to the English throne and founds a new dynasty.

I've left a lot out, of course, but I reckon there's still enough material for two series, maybe even three! In the absence of a film or TV series, however, you'll have to come to Ashdown if you want the story told!
Ashdown House opens on 3rd April.
But you should write this saga, Nicola. For a mainstream publisher. There are at least three 100,000 word books in this story, or one very large one with much of the story condensed. Go to it at once, and good luck!
Rupert seems like the charming maverick who is essential to a good story. My history recollections re this Stuart/Jacobean period is hazy at best but sounds like a winner. Unfortunately, can't make it to Ashdown :-(
LOL, Jane, it's a thought! A part of me is tempted. Certainly I've always wanted to write a book about Ashdown itself.
Sarah, what a pity you can't make it to Ashdown! What would be finer than Sarah Siddons at Ashdown House?
Nicola, what a fun post! Having just recently watched Desperate Romantics, I think Aidan Turner would make a wonderful R of the R!
Thank you, Anna, yes I love the idea of Aidan Turner as Rupert as well!
As a fellow Prince Rupert 'fan'I'm another one who's going to add my vote for Aidan Turner as Rupert - he had height, the dark curls - and thatn touch of ambiguity . . . I always knew that Anna C and I shared the same taste
Mmm, I like "that touch of ambiguity", Kate!
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